The Real-time monitoring page offers an at-a-glance insight into the flux of tickets and agent activities, facilitating the optimization of your customer service. All the data on the page is based on the numbers collected since 00:00 am of the date of your monitoring.

<aside> đź’ˇ Note: The data is refreshed every 30 seconds. To get the most up-to-date figure, click the refresh button next to the time marked in the top right corner of the screen.


Ticket and agent

All data for Ticket and agent is based on the number calculated on the moment the page was last refreshed.


Metrics Definition
Unassigned tickets The total number of tickets that haven’t been assigned to an agent yet.
Active tickets The total number of active tickets, where real-time interaction between a customer and an agent is taking place.
Idle tickets The total number of idle tickets, where a customer hasn’t responded for a set amount of time to an agent's last response.
In-progress tickets The total number of in-progress tickets that are yet to be closed for various reasons but which can be active once conversations between agents and customers start.
Tickets per agent The number of active tickets divided by the sum of online and away agents.
Tickets per online agent The number of active tickets divided by the number of online agents.
Agents The number of agents whose status is online, offline, and away.

Today’s statistics

All data for Ticket and agent is based on the number calculated from 00:00 am of the current date to the moment the page was last refreshed.


Metrics Definition
First assigned time The time taken from ticket creation to initial assignment. The average represents the sum of the first assigned time divided by the number of tickets closed since 00:00 am of the current date.
First response time The time taken from ticket assignment to the assigned agent's first response. The average represents the sum of the first response time divided by the number of tickets closed since 00:00 am of the current date.
Ticket processing time The time taken from ticket assignment to ticket closing. The average represents the sum of the ticket processing time divided by the number of tickets closed since 00:00 am of the current date.
Ticket resolution time The time taken from ticket creation to ticket closing. The average represents the sum of the ticket resolution time divided by the number of tickets closed since 00:00 am of the current date.
Interaction time The time taken from a customer's first message to the last message of a customer or an agent. The average represents the sum of the interaction time divided by the number of tickets closed since 00:00 am of the current date.
Ticket state The ticket count of each ticket state and proportion. You can use these figures to get the conversion rate of tickets from their previous state.
New and closed The number of tickets that are created or closed since 00:00 am of the current date.
Tickets closed by The rate of tickets closed by each Desk role since 00:00 am of the current date.
CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Rating) Responses from customer satisfaction rating (CSAT) received since 00:00 am of the current date to the current point.